Thought Leadership

Speaking at SXSW 2019
I interviewed my SXSW 2019 co-panelist Sarah Brin about our upcoming presentation with Chad Coerver, the Chief Content Officer at SFMOMA, titled Art Museums as Spaces of Digital Play which will take place on March 12th.
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10 Takeaways From XRDC and XR Immersive 2018
On Friday October 26th 2018, I presented our IKEA AR project at XD Immersive, and on Tuesday October 30th I presented our SFMOMA AR project at XRDC. I met a bunch of interesting people and heard some intriguing presentations. The...
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2018 Speaking Engagements
I will be speaking at two AR/VR conferences in October of 2018. One is XRDC, a spinoff from the Game Developer Conference, will be held on October 29th and 30th. I will be speaking about bringing mixed reality to the...
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SEGD 2013 Conference Presentation, San Francisco
I presented a case study about our design and development work for the GE Works conference on behalf of Unified Field at the 2013 SEGD National Conference. The conference was titled "Above the Fog" and located at the Fairmont Hotel in...
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